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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

About GSD MDesS

前陣子改了 FB  education 後就開始被問學校的問題,一下子不太好回答,現在還沒開學,我也只就目前的資訊分享一下,九月以後應該可以回答比較多細節。

關於怎麼知道MDesS的,我其實很久以前就知道這個 Program,因為東海邱浩修老師就是MDesS-Tech 的,之後繼續念了 DDes。此外,交大龔書章老師GSD March2念完以後又念了MDesS-History and Philosophy of Design。其實相關校友很多,稍為打聽一下就有了。

MDesS 不適合想要繼續修習建築設計studio的朋友申請,它完全沒有設計studio,不會有畫平面圖、剖面圖,在系管裡面鬧哄哄作模型的狀況,它是一個分類明確,以修課、個人論文為主的學程。我目前遇到的同學都相當清楚自己為什麼選這個組別,然後年紀似乎都稍長,雙碩士的很多。  

(  我其實熱愛設計 studio, 總是不小心拿其他課程的時間來拼studio,久了發現內在知識與手上技術的不足,最後造成設計與思考的瓶頸。  因此對今年的我來說,沒有studio是好的,但對去年的我來說,可能會對沒有 design studio 而感到十分無聊也說不定。 )

不瞞各位,我申請Cooper Union 那一年也有丟MDesS, 不過當時我的作品集內容五花八門,電腦能力也低於國際水平,讀書計劃更是走那種 通用” General 風,無法明確看出我的興趣與潛質在哪裡,所以最後是落榜收場。

MDesS 相關經驗豐富的人,可以申請一年讀完,一般時程是一年半,如果想要念兩年現在可以split 最後的 thesis semester 變成兩學期,相當有彈性。 Group裡確實有些人的能力早就不需要這個 degree,然而為了從事教職的緣故空降回來念一年。因此也有些人會產生 MDesS 是 「來GSD過水」的質疑,不可否認確實有這樣的人,但他們經驗豐富其實是周圍學生的好處。此外,幾乎每個知名研究所都有這種空降type的達人學生, 與其說他們來學習,不如說他們是來跟教授交手,自我挑戰的。

( PS. 我當年很多東西都是大我10歲的 Cooper 韓國爸爸教我的!! )

MDesS 有個桌子議題。 由於除了Tech & APD 以外都不太需要製作模型,所以沒有個人坐位在大系館裡,只有共用桌,Tech組很多時後會在地下室的fabrication labor教授自己在外面的公司裡,除了少數有辦法跟其他program一起蹭位子的社交達人以外,MDesS 的學習算是相對低調,但低調學習不能說是缺點,要看學生在這個階段追求的是甚麼。

 ( 總是沒可能回去東海評圖室的那種模山圖海的盛況了阿!!! () )

今年的Open House 學校有針對這件事情做出公開發表,鑒於MIT Media Lab 的跨領域大成功,GSD 從數年前開始了D-LAB 的運作,並將MDesS 這種不被AIA美國建築協會影響的Programs列為重點發展項目,因為這類的program課程可以更新的很快,隨時接軌最新的資訊,自由度高,回應D- Lab的空間需求,系館以及系館周邊正在進行新的空間配置規劃,預計2014年有大幅度調整。


我喜歡傳統的建築設計,手畫圖我也很愛,這部分的興趣我想不會因為學了新東西就消失的,就像很多音樂家也都同時會好幾種樂器一樣,這真的不衝突。有人以為我想要轉行,真是誤會大了 (冒汗 ) 老實說,對自己的期許也不過就是變成  「 建築人+」 阿捏  ~~~

最後,轉貼 archinet上 一個 March2學生回復一個正在糾結 March2 跟 MDesS 的準學生的訊息:

(  與其聽局外人亂講,聽在學學生的說法其實比較正確。  )

GSD? MArch II vs MDesS

Thoughts from an MArch II:
- They still don't have a desk space in Gund (although there are always some free desks that are distributed among MDesS students each semester - they are usually assigned to 2 or 3 students per desk). If not at the Gund Hall, you definitely have space at the library or some of the houses around the GSD (still not a personal desk though). 
- Never heard about the "final semester" issue you mention. I think it's pretty straight forward: you have your three-in-a-row semester program, so fall is your last semester, and then you graduate in may next year. If you split, you finish during the spring semester and graduate immediately. There could a problem if you are an international student and you end up splitting, because you might be forced to still finish your thesis in your third semester (fall) rather than the fourth (spring) in order to mantain your full time student status. Not sure about that anyway. It's important to note that there's a $500 splitting cost now (that will go up to $1000 next fall). 
- I've never heard anything about people looking down upon MDesS students. They are certainly among the most experienced students at the GSD, so if people have a generalized opinion about them it would be closer to admiration than anything else. And depending in your social skills, you'll get integrated to the "GSD" community pretty easily. You'll share with a lot of different students in your classes (from all the programs, depending in your interests) and you'll probably end up knowing a lot of guys (probably more MArch IIs or MLA II, since all the "I" programs are to some extent a little more closed, since they know each other for a longer time than the rest of the people at GSD).  The thing is you won't feel alone at Beer 'n Dogs, unless you want to. 
Bottom line, it's a pretty interesting program (thinking about doing one myself after marchII), there's nothing like a generalized despise towards MDesS, and you can be part of the GSD "community" as much as you want.

( 當時也有人跟我說 在Cooper Union 可能不會認識很多人,結果我還是交了很多朋友....  社交這種事情,情境很重要,但自身的人格特質可能還是最為關鍵的。)

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