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Monday, July 9, 2012

Cooper Union Hometest 題目分享

恩........... 其實我想了很久要不要跟大家分享這個資訊,一直有在擔心自己這樣是不是在洩漏考題。後來才發現網路上其實到處都有各式各樣的資訊,題目是甚麼已經不是重點,怎麼答題才是關鍵。

有朋友問:「 這種Hometest -在家考試,不是很容易請打手幫忙嗎?? 」


此外,建築系又不是一個甚麼鐵飯碗的科系,又累又窮,應該不會有人真的想要作弊進來吧!?? 念了不適合自己的學系也只是為自己的人生徒增煩惱吧。 




宛真: Hometest 基本上以你自己的直覺填寫,沒有一定的答案。所以我沒有翻譯,因為每個人的閱讀都會有差異性。Cooper Union 沒有特定想要甚麼樣子的學生,成績雖然重要,但 Hometest是他們選學生的關鍵。


Formate: 11’X14’

Instructions and key to submission sheets

All work is to be presented on the enclosed sheets, or duplicates of them.

The square area on each sheet defines the field of operation.

Q1 A Plan of the still life

Project the plan looking down at each element of the still life as cut through from the level of the line indicated.

Q2 Portraits

A)     Self Portrait

B)     Self Portrait in terms that have no reference to the body

Q3 The grid

Redefine the grid in black and white only using the following marks:

Points, lines, planes, intersections and/or erasures.


Rip, tear or cut a critical fragment from any drawing you have ever made, and position that fragment on this page.

Q5 Scale a memory in plan

Given the square area above, consider the square as a site and the grid as a measure. Construct the plan of a place important in your memory using these tools.

Give it a working title and write one sentence inspired by this memory.

Q6 Space from literatue

Chose one of the three given texts and draw a plan or section of the space and elements you envision as the architectural counterpart of the literary text.

Q7 Mobile or Stabile

Select a mobile or stabile by Alexander Calder and draw it or any detail of it.

Q8 Order: Structural intersection

Observe a structure such as a façade, a frame or and order. Draw an intersection.

Q9 Eclipse

Capture an eclipse

Q10 Writing projects

1.      The following words have meaning in an architectural vocabulary but have additional implication in other spheres of thought:

<><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><> <><><><><><>










These words are both physical and mental; concrete and literary.

Choose one and elaborate.

2.      What elements do you read in these plans? Write two sentences below each square.

Q11 Freshman and transfer questionnaire

1.      What is your favorite book? 你最喜歡的書

2.      What is your favorite film? 你最喜歡的影片

3.      What is our favorite painting? 你最喜歡的畫

4.      What is your favorite musical work? 你最喜歡的音樂創作

5.      Tell us about a trip that you took without leaving your chair. 請告訴我們 你在未經離開椅子上 所經歷的一趟旅程

6.      Select a headline from the New York Times that inspires you to think about a mythic dimension of our contemporary life. Write a one-line response. 請選擇一段紐約時報的標題,這個標題能啟發你思考對我們當代生活中神話般的尺度。用一句話敘述。

7.      Define the responsibilities of an architect. 定義建築師的責任

8.      Cooper Union offers an education in architecture engineering and art, supported by studies in humanities. How do you distinguish the study of architecture from these other studies? What do you think makes Cooper Union different from other architecture schools?

Cooper Union的建築,藝術,工程三所學院中,為什麼選擇建築系? 你覺得Cooper Union與其他學校差別在哪裡?

9.      List all scholarly areas of special interest you are now studying either in school or on your own.


10.  Have you received any academic honors or awards? Please indicate electives (E) or appointive (A) office you’ve held in extra-curricular or community or service activities.



  1. 想請問一個小問題....聽說hometest只寄到美國的地址..是真的嗎?

  2. 是真的喔!! 因為學校很小,經費有限,招生處人也很少。

