101件 沒在建築學校學到的事
The Indicator: 101 Things I Didn’t Learn in Architecture School By Guy Horton — Filed under: Featured ,Misc , The Indicator (This article is co-authored by Sherin Wing) (翻譯: Ling-Li Tseng)
1] Even if your boss is your friend he may have to axe you to save his business.
就算你的老闆是你的麻吉,為了事業,他必要時還是會砍你一刀 (解雇你)
2] Read the book, On Bullshit, by Harry G. Frankfurt. Carry it with you. It’s pocket-sized.
隨身攜帶Harry G. Frankfurt寫的口袋小書 - ”論廢話”
3] Do not drink at work and especially do not get toasted around your colleagues under any circumstances.
4] No matter how highly you may think of yourself you may still be a minion in the eyes of others who hold more power than you.
5] Once you leave architecture school not everybody cares about architecture or wants to talk about it.
6] All eating habits and diets acquired during school should be jettisoned.